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Join your local DAN 

Before visiting Japan to Dive, we suggest you join your local region DAN(Divers Alert Network).
They are in coordination with DAN Japan to assist you while you are n Japan. Better to recieve expert advice and assistance in regards to diving related incidents. Depending on the region you join, we believe they may have the right insurance for you.

International DAN (IDAN) is comprised of independent DAN organizations based around the world that provide expert emergency medical and referral services to regional diving communities. These local networks have pledged to uphold DAN's mission and to operate under protocol standards set by the IDAN Headquarters. Each IDAN organization is a nonprofit, independently administered organization. Each DAN depends on the support of local divers to provide its safety and educational services, such as emergency hotlines. In addition, each country has its own rules and regulations regarding insurance. Each regional DAN is cognizant of the insurance regulations of its territory.

  • DAN: DAN serves as the headquarters for IDAN. Regions of coverage include the United States and Canada.
    Diving Emergencies: +1-919-684-9111 (accepts collect calls)

  • DAN Brasil: Region of coverage is Brazil.
    Diving Emergencies: +1-919-684-9111 (accepts collect calls)
    Do Brasil: Disque 0800 684 9111

  • DAN World: Regions of coverage include the Caribbean, Micronesia and Melanesia (except Fiji), Puerto Rico, Guam, Bahamas, British and U.S. Virgin Islands, Central and South America, and any other area not designated below.
    Diving Emergencies: +1-919-684-9111 (accepts collect calls)

  • DAN Europe: Regions of coverage include geographical Europe, the countries of the Mediterranean Basin, the countries on the shores of the Red Sea, the Middle East including the Persian Gulf, the countries on the shores of the Indian Ocean north of the equator and west of India and Sri Lanka, as well as the related overseas territories, districts and protectorates.
    Diving Emergencies: +39-06-4211-8685

  • DAN Japan: Regions of coverage include Japan, Japanese islands and related territories, with regional IDAN responsibility for Northeast Asia-Pacific.
    Diving Emergencies: +81-3-3812-4999

  • DAN Asia-Pacific: Regions of coverage include Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific islands, Indonesia, Polynesia, Southeast Asia, India, China, Thailand, Taiwan and Korea.
    Diving Emergencies:
    DES Australia: 1800-088-200 (toll free within Australia — English only)
    +61-8-8212 9242 (from outside Australia — English only)
    DES New Zealand: 0800-4DES-111 (within New Zealand — English only)
    Korean Hotline: 055-549-0912 (within Korea - Korean language)

  • DAN Southern Africa: Regions of coverage include South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola, Zambia, Zaire, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Madagascar, Comoros, Seychelles and Mauritius.
    Diving Emergencies: 0800-020-111 (within South Africa)
    +27 828 10 60 10 (outside South Africa)

*This information is taken from "Divers Alert Network HP"


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